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State Parliament President Rößler and Vice-President Dombois say goodbye

Matthias Rößler, President of the State Parliament of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Matthias Rößler, President of the State Parliament of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The President of the Saxon state parliament, Matthias Rößler, has bid farewell to the House after 34 years in parliament. At the end of the last session before the summer break, the 69-year-old CDU politician took the floor once again on Thursday. He described the legislative period coming to an end as historic, citing the coronavirus pandemic as the main reason for this. Saxony has a "living parliament". "A democracy is never finished, it is always in the making. Everyone can play a part in making it a success."

"The greatest advantage of our liberal democracy is the open exchange of opinions. To make use of it, we should argue without hurting and debate without condemning. I say this especially in view of the election campaign that has already begun. As political role models, help to ensure that the debate is fair and peaceful," he urged the MPs.

Vice-President of the state parliament Andrea Dombois (CDU), who has also been a member of the state parliament since 1990, was also bid farewell. The 65-year-old recalled the busy early years of the Free State and events such as the flood of the century in 2002 and the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic: "I am leaving with pride and look forward to a good, calmer time."

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