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Katja Meier denounces hatred and agitation in society

Katja Meier (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Minister of Justice of Saxony, speaks in the state parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Katja Meier (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Minister of Justice of Saxony, speaks in the state parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The Saxon Minister of Justice is using the upcoming 75th anniversary of the Basic Law as an opportunity to talk about the state of society. The first sentence serves as her guideline: "Human dignity is inviolable".

Saxon Justice Minister Katja Meier (Greens) has denounced hatred and hate speech in society and assured those affected of support. To this end, Saxony has created the "Central Contact Point for Victims of Right-Wing Extremism and Anti-Semitism" and also a contact person for people who become victims of crimes due to their sexual orientation and identity, Meier said in the state parliament on Thursday. The occasion was the upcoming 75th anniversary of the Basic Law. "I find the hatred and degrading attacks that these people face frightening and shameful. And I feel the same way when people who stand up for our common good and for the preservation of our democracy are attacked."

The first sentence of the Basic Law ran like a red thread through Meier's speech: "Human dignity is inviolable." Meier reiterated her call for "political stalking" to be made a criminal offense in future. "At federal level, we are proposing to create and expand criminal offenses in order to finally guarantee effective criminal protection for public officials and elected representatives." The Saxon initiative has already met with a great response. "The constitutional state has a duty here, because it is a crucial interface for the preservation of our democracy - the good and trusting relationship between politics and administration on the one hand and committed civil society on the other."

The minister also commented on the topic of Europe, for which she is responsible in the Saxon cabinet alongside justice, democracy and equality. "If Saxony wants to make it into the economic Champions League, then only with Europe. As Minister for Europe, I sometimes wonder all the more why we have failed to get people excited about Europe for so long." For many, Brussels seems far away. This makes the commitment to cross-border cooperation all the more important. "We will not overcome the great challenges of our time with national solo efforts, not without our common European foundation, not without sustainable and resilient connections to our European neighbors."

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