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Seat distribution determined by hand after software error

The state electoral administration had initially published an incorrect distribution of seats. (Archive image) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
The state electoral administration had initially published an incorrect distribution of seats. (Archive image) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

After a software glitch, Saxony's state electoral administration resorts to old-fashioned methods. A recalculation is carried out and the distribution of seats in the state parliament is corrected.

The state electoral administration in Saxony has calculated the correct distribution of seats in the new state parliament by hand. This was due to a software error, which resulted in an incorrect number of seats being published for the individual parties, as the authority announced. "Based on information received, we checked the calculation, identified the error and recalculated the seat allocation manually," it said at the request of the German Press Agency.

According to the corrected result, the CDU has 41 seats, the AfD 40. The BSW has 15 seats, the SPD 10, the Greens 7. The Left Party has 6 seats, the Free Voters one MP. There are a total of 120 seats in the Saxon state parliament.

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