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Chemnitz storms to the top after 96:87 against Hamburg

A basketball lands in the hoop / Photo: Thomas Kienzle/dpa/Symbolic image
A basketball lands in the hoop / Photo: Thomas Kienzle/dpa/Symbolic image

The Niners Chemnitz basketball team is still riding a wave of success and has taken over the top spot in the German Basketball League. The players of Head Coach Rodrigo Pastore defeated Veolia Towers Hamburg 96:87 (45:40) in front of their home crowd on Friday to celebrate their 15th win in a row in all competitions.

Wesley van Beck (25 points), Aher Uguak, Jonas Richter, Kevin Yebo (15 each) and DeAndre Lansdowne (10) played the biggest part in the Saxons' success. Vincent King (30), Aljami Durham (23) and William Christmas (13) scored the most points for Hamburg.

The hosts, who were playing their fifth game in twelve days, got off to a furious start. The Niners were 21:6 ahead after eight minutes. However, Hamburg had fought its way back to 31:33 eight minutes later and kept the game completely open until the end of the third quarter. With a 12:3 run from 62:58 (28') to 74:61 (31'), the home side set the course for victory. Chemnitz conceded fewer turnovers (15:20) than its opponents and impressed with its accuracy under the basket. Of 42 attempts from close range, 30 ended up in Hamburg's basket.

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