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European Football Championship 2024: Leipzig with a large fan zone

Thousands of spectators / Photo: Andreas Lander/dpa/Archivbild
Thousands of spectators / Photo: Andreas Lander/dpa/Archivbild

There will be a large fan zone in Leipzig for the 2024 European Football Championship, where all matches will be broadcast. There will be an exciting program with a Ferris wheel, music and fan marches.

The European Football Championship kicks off in Germany in four weeks' time. The only venue in Saxony is Leipzig - and only there will be a large "fan zone". All matches will be broadcast on two giant screens, allowing up to 15,000 people to cheer on the games in front of the Opera House and Gewandhaus. Admission is free of charge.

The zone will be open on all 31 days of the tournament and fans can expect a spectacular supporting program with a Ferris wheel, a small soccer pitch and numerous musical highlights. For example, the Chiemsee band LaBrassBanda will perform on 29 June and pop singer Dieter Thomas Kuhn on the final day.

The organizers are expecting a huge turnout with colourful fan marches, especially on the four match days in Leipzig. The match between the Netherlands and France on June 21 is likely to be particularly challenging. According to the organizers of the "Fan Zone", up to 40,000 fans from the Netherlands are expected.

Since a good half of the European Championship matches will not kick off until 9 p.m., the regulations on disturbing the peace at night during the European Championships have been relaxed in the trade fair city. According to the public order office, the matches can still be watched outside after 10 p.m., as the city announced on request. However, an exemption permit is required, which must be applied for in advance by the restaurateurs.

The cities of Dresden and Chemnitz, on the other hand, are not planning any large public viewings. However, the matches can be watched in many bars, pubs and sports clubs there.

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