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New luge coach Leitner: "I'm incredibly happy"

Luger Moritz rides down the track in Altenberg / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Luger Moritz rides down the track in Altenberg / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Successful luge coach Norbert Loch is stepping down after the season. His successor Patric Leitner is looking forward to the task. He reports from hospital.

The designated national luge coach Patric Leitner feels ready to take over from Norbert Loch. "I'm really looking forward to it, it will be an exciting task. I'm ready," said the Olympic luge champion. "It's a decision that wasn't made overnight. I have a good team around me who are all pulling together."

The 46-year-old is currently in hospital following a training accident with a broken leg. "I'm not feeling too well at the moment, I'm still in hospital in Munich," said Leitner. The Bavarian will take over from Norbert Loch at the start of the new season and has big shoes to fill. Loch has won 95 World Championship medals with his team before the last two decisions at the title competitions in Altenberg. "Norbert has earned his retirement. We are all indebted to him. The whole team and me too," said Leitner.

Norbert Loch had confirmed his imminent retirement as national coach in Altenberg after his son Felix, the three-time Olympic champion, revealed his father's upcoming move following his 21st World Championship medal in total with bronze in the single-seater. "It's been a very, very long time. I want to hand over a well-functioning team to our new head coach when the season is over," said the 61-year-old. The decision was actually made before the winter. Norbert Loch has been head coach of the German luge team since 2008.

Norbert Loch wants to support his successor "of course, but he will stand at the front and lead and guide the team. I think we have a good man in first place." The former national coach will work for the bobsleigh and luge association in Berchtesgaden in the future. "There's still plenty of work to do."

His successor Leitner was the 2002 Olympic doubles champion with his partner Alexander Resch. The duo from Berchtesgaden won another Olympic bronze eight years later. The two lugers became doubles world champions a total of four times (1999, 2000, 2004 and 2007).

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