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Wire rope protection, corrosion protection and logistics: Elaskon presents new developments

Elaskon Managing Director Tobias Schwald / Photo: Elaskon, Sabine Mutschke
Elaskon Managing Director Tobias Schwald / Photo: Elaskon, Sabine Mutschke

Elaskon Sachsen invests in new technologies for wire rope protection and corrosion protection. A new research project with the TU Dresden is developing environmentally friendly biolubricants. Find out more now!

Elaskon Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG is expanding its expertise in the field of wire rope lubricants and corrosion protection for motor vehicles. The company is investing in modern technologies and implementing new research projects in order to further expand its position as a leading supplier of special lubricants.

New special truck optimizes logistics

After a two-year wait, a new special truck is joining the Elaskon fleet. With an investment of around 250,000 euros, the vehicle replaces its predecessor, which has covered more than 2.5 million kilometers after 18 years. The truck was specially developed for Elaskon's requirements and enables flexible delivery of lubricants and corrosion protection materials to customers  - whether in drums, containers or as loose goods by pump. Engine oils and industrial lubricants from ExxonMobil™, for which Elaskon is a strategic trading partner, are also delivered using the new vehicle.

Elsaskon employee Sebastian Rössel loads the new special truck / Photo: Elaskon, Sabine Mutschke

Protection for the steepest cable car in the world

Wire rope lubricants from Elaskon are used all over the world - for cable cars in the Alps, in South Africa and for bridge cables in Venice, among others. A current example is the new Schilthorn cable car in Switzerland. This aerial cableway, which leads to the 2,970-metre-high summit, is currently being renovated. The route between Stechelberg and Mürren, which opened in December 2024, is considered the steepest cable car in the world with a gradient of 159.4 percent. The lubricants from Elaskon not only protect the ropes from corrosion, but also extend their service life by reducing friction.

159.4 % gradient: The Schilthornbahn defies extreme conditions - with Elaskon lubricants / Photo: Schilthornbahn AG

"BioLuB" research project: Sustainable rope lubricants of the future

Since January 2025, Elaskon has been working together with the Technical University of Dresden on the "BioLuB" research project. The aim is to develop an environmentally friendly biolubricant for wire ropes that is biodegradable but retains the mechanical properties of conventional lubricants. The project, which will run until 2026, is being coordinated by Elaskon and carried out in collaboration with experts from the Institute of Technical Logistics and Work Systems and the Institute of Water Chemistry at TU Dresden.

Elaskon Corrosion Protection Days from April 7 to 11

This year, drivers can once again obtain free advice on corrosion protection at the Elaskon Corrosion Protection Days. In addition to the Elaskon Service Station in Dresden-Reick, four AIS Dresden GmbH workshops in Dresden, Radebeul, Meißen and Freital are also taking part for the first time. Experts will check the underbody and give recommendations for preservation. Appointments for the free inspection can be made now.

The ADAC recommends that underbody protection should not be neglected during spring checks. "Damaged areas and corrosion should be treated professionally," advises ADAC technician Thomas Kubin. "A protective layer contributes significantly to the longevity of the vehicle."

Further information on the corrosion protection days and appointments can be found at www.elaskon.de.

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