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Free Voters of Saxony nominate direct candidates for state elections: A signal for change

From left to right: Dr. Adalbert Rösch (WK 22/Leipzig Land 2), Thomas Schumann (WK 24/Leipzig Land 4), Matthias Berger (WK 23/Leipzig Land 3) and Jörg Zetzsche (WK 21/Leipzig Land 1) (Photo: FREIE WÄHLER)
From left to right: Dr. Adalbert Rösch (WK 22/Leipzig Land 2), Thomas Schumann (WK 24/Leipzig Land 4), Matthias Berger (WK 23/Leipzig Land 3) and Jörg Zetzsche (WK 21/Leipzig Land 1) (Photo: FREIE WÄHLER)

State election 2024: Free Voters of Saxony put forward their direct candidates for the district of Leipzig and define their priorities.

The Free Voters of Saxony are bringing new momentum to the political landscape: by selecting their direct candidates for the district of Leipzig, they are sending out a clear signal for the upcoming state elections. On January 26, 2024 in Nimbschen, the Leipzig Land district association presented a selection of experienced and committed individuals who stand for the party's values and goals.

Experienced candidates for a strong district

Jörg Zetzsche, Mayor of Regis-Breitingen, will enter the race in constituency 21. Dr. Adalbert Rösch, a renowned gynaecologist, is running in constituency 22. Thomas Schumann, a business administrator and city councillor from Wurzen, is running in constituency 24, while the party's best-known face, Matthias Berger, Mayor of Grimma and designated top candidate, is standing for election in constituency 23.

The selection of candidates reflects the political situation described in the Interview with Thomas Weidinger strategy outlined above: a policy that is geared towards the needs of citizens and free from ideological considerations. Weidinger's emphasis on fact-oriented politics and anchoring in municipal structures is reflected in the CVs of the candidates. Each brings their own expertise, which should enable the Free Voters to manifest their municipal strength at state level too.

A challenge to established structures

The Free Voters of Saxony, represented by Kay Heiche, see the current line-up as an ideal way to represent the interests of the district of Leipzig. They criticize Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping's decision to avoid a direct duel with Matthias Berger and accuse her of shirking political responsibility.

Core issues with a view to the future

The core issues of the Free Voters - municipal funding, healthcare, education and teacher shortages, support for families and stopping illegal migration - are crucial to their election campaign. These issues reflect the concerns Weidinger has gathered on his tour of Saxony and demonstrate the party's desire to overcome investment backlogs and bureaucratic hurdles.

With their candidate line-up and clearly defined issues, the Free Voters of Saxony are presenting themselves as serious contenders in the political race. Their strategy of bringing about change by strengthening municipal competencies could be a harbinger of Saxony's future political shape.

Source: FREIE WÄHLER press release and own sources

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