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Sachsenlotto supports virtualization in Saxony's castle country with Hendrik Duryn

f.l. Frank Schwarz, Hendrik Duryn, Dirk Lieber, Dr. André Thieme (Bild:  Igor Pastierovic)
f.l. Frank Schwarz, Hendrik Duryn, Dirk Lieber, Dr. André Thieme (Bild: Igor Pastierovic)

Once upon a time in the proud land of Saxony, where Fortress Königstein and Sachsenlotto, two pillars of Saxon heritage, formed a magical alliance. At the heart of this alliance was Hendrik Duryn, the famous actor better known as "The Teacher." Duryn, not only an artistic talent but also a loyal son of Saxony, was chosen to open the gates of history for everyone - in an entertaining, funny and yet educational way.

Hendrik Duryn, who is always passionate about his projects, started his journey through Saxony's castle country, taking viewers on a fantastic adventure. In eight new episodes, he made the Königstein Fortress a virtual experience in a unique way. With heart and humor, he told the secret stories of the fortress, just as he would have liked as a child.

Not only was Duryn active in the virtual world, but also in the Sachsenlotto podcast, where he contributed his voice and personality to explore the world of luck. Amidst the historic backdrop of Festung Königstein, he recorded a new episode and offered listeners an authentic and personal experience.

Happiness was not only felt in the virtual world, but also in reality. The cooperation between Festung Königstein and Sachsenlotto was characterized by happiness and trust. The symbiosis of the two institutions was made official by an information board at the fountain house, which stood as a symbol for the fruitful cooperation.

The virtual tours were born out of a fascinating idea: to offer virtual tours and stories within 360-degree tours. It was a monumental task to digitally map the vast fortress grounds and its numerous exhibitions, but the experts at Museum Virtuell rose to the challenge. After months of work, they succeeded in preparing 17 Saxon palaces, castles and gardens in unique tours.

Now the magnificent Königstein, the heart of Saxony, is accessible anytime and anywhere, whether at home or on the road, morning, noon or evening. With Hendrik Duryn as a tour guide, everyone can now discover the magical history of Saxony. The virtual visit to www.festung-koenigstein.de becomes a magical adventure that brings the history of Saxony to life for everyone.

Thus, Königstein Fortress shines in new splendor and, with Hendrik Duryn and Sachsenlotto, writes a new chapter in the history of Saxony, a chapter that shows how the past can be connected to the present and that learning and discovery can be not only educational but also entertaining.

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