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Six reasons to have your favorite furniture reupholstered: A plea for sustainability and individuality

Symbol image furniture / pixabay Pexels
Symbol image furniture / pixabay Pexels

Tips on home furnishing and why reupholstering is often better than buying new furniture. Upholsterers in Dresden and Upper Lusatia.

Whether heirloom, cuddly couch or cherished reading chair - many people associate stories and memories with furniture. But over time, this furniture wears out or its color no longer matches the current zeitgeist. The furniture industry is constantly setting new trends and offering discounts to encourage the purchase of new furniture. But is this really the best choice?

Dr. Barbara Perfahl, housing psychologist and alumna of the University of Leipzig, stresses the importance of housing needs and warns against being influenced by the media and advertising. She describes five key aspects that should be considered when furnishing the home, from room design to psychological aspects.

  1. Understand housing needs: There are six basic housing needs, including the need for security, retreat and recreation, and self-expression. It is important to recognize these needs and design the home accordingly.
  2. Room design: too much decoration or furniture can make a room look cluttered. However, by clever arrangement and grouping of objects, you can make the room more harmonious.
  3. Conscious selection: The apartment should be furnished only with things that you really like and that create positively occupied contact points.
  4. Delineate functional areas: In one-room apartments, it is particularly important to visually separate different functional areas such as living, eating and sleeping.
  5. Psychological aspects: The design of the apartment has a direct impact on emotions, health and relationships. Therefore, before buying new furniture, you should ask yourself what functions the apartment must fulfill.

Individuality instead of a uniform look.

Many apartments look alike, dominated by the designs of large furniture stores such as IKEA. If you are looking for something unique, you can find it at a regional interior decorator like Tobias Kuckel in Upper Lusatia. There you will receive individual advice and can consider together which pieces of furniture could be enhanced by new upholstery.

That's why reupholstering can have advantages.

  1. Memories are preserved:Reupholstering an heirloom can give it a new look without losing the memories associated with it.
  2. Sustainable because no new wood must be used: In contrast to buying new furniture, reupholstering saves resources and protects the environment.
  3. More choice in color and quality of fabrics: Interior decorators offer a wider range of fabrics and patterns that are not available in traditional furniture stores.
  4. Remain space: You do not have to buy new furniture and can keep the existing space.
  5. High-quality furniture lives longer:By reupholstering, you can extend the life of your high-quality furniture.
  6. Save money: Compared to buying new, high-quality furniture, you can save money by reupholstering.

A craft with tradition: The history of the upholstery Kuckel in Upper Lusatia.

Kuckel Upholstery is a family business with a long history that has shaped the craft of upholstery in the Upper Lusatia region since 1959. Founded by Harry Kuckel, a skilled saddler and upholsterer, the business has steadily evolved over the years. In 1967, the company moved to Cunewalde and expanded its field of business. Under the management of Frank Kuckel, the son of the founder, the business was further modernized in 1997. Since 2014, Tobias Kuckel has led the company and specialized in new upholstery and interior design.

The Upper Lusatia region, known for its craft traditions, offers fertile ground for such specialized businesses. Tobias Kuckel emphasizes that his craft is more than just upholstery. "We are not craftsmen, but artists," he says. This attitude is reflected in the meticulous work and attention to detail that goes into every project.

Trends and sustainability.

While there are always new trends in the furniture industry, Kuckel focuses on the longevity and quality of his work. He also mentions innovative approaches such as using foams made from leather waste, although these are currently too expensive for his customers.

Why is the issue important?

Reupholstering furniture offers a sustainable and personalized alternative to buying new furniture. It allows us to design our living spaces in a more conscious and needs-based way, which can have a positive impact on our mental health.

Background and history.

Kuckel Upholstery has a long history, ranging from the manufacture of custom upholstered furniture to its current specialization in reupholstery. It was founded in 1959 by Harry Kuckel and is now in the hands of the third generation, represented by Tobias Kuckel.

Source 1: University of Leipzig
Source 2: Interview with Tobias Kuckel

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