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Últimas noticias sobre salud Sajonia Dresde Leipzig Chemnitz

La actualidad sajona en Internet. Las últimas noticias sobre salud de Sajonia Dresde Chemnitz Leipzig.

The flu epidemic continues at a high level in Saxony. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

Flu epidemic remains at a high level in Saxony

The health authorities in Saxony have recently registered slightly fewer respiratory illnesses than before in the wake of the flu epidemic. The State Investigation Institute mainly reported cases of influenza for the second week of the winter holiday ..

Two cases of tuberculosis have occurred in Dresden (archive photo). / Photo: Silas Stein/dpa

Two cases of tuberculosis in Dresden

Two cases of tuberculosis have occurred in the vicinity of a daycare center in Dresden. The two people affected have been isolated and are being treated in hospital, according to the Dresden city administration. The health department is investigating ..