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Últimas noticias sobre salud Sajonia Dresde Leipzig Chemnitz

La actualidad sajona en Internet. Las últimas noticias sobre salud de Sajonia Dresde Chemnitz Leipzig.

In Saxony, 3,100 people are infected with HIV. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa

120 new HIV diagnoses in Saxony in 2023

In Saxony, 120 people were newly diagnosed with HIV last year. In total, around 3,100 people in Saxony are living with an HIV infection, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs, citing figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). There is an urg ..

Saxony's government criticizes hospital reform (archive photo). / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa

Saxony criticizes agreement on hospital reform

Saxony's government has criticized the agreement on the controversial hospital reform. Federal Health Minister Lauterbach had failed to reach a consensus with the federal states on key issues, according to Saxony's Minister for Federal Affairs and He ..