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Number of corona deaths in Saxony on the rise - virus is the determining factor

There have been around 100 coronavirus deaths in Saxony so far this year during the flu season. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Alicia Windzio/dpa
There have been around 100 coronavirus deaths in Saxony so far this year during the flu season. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Alicia Windzio/dpa

The incidence of respiratory infections in Saxony remains at a high level. Corona viruses continue to dominate the situation - but influenza is also on the rise.

The number of coronavirus deaths in Saxony's flu season this year continues to rise. According to the latest report from the State Investigation Institute (LUA), 97 people between the ages of 46 and 97 have died as a result of coronavirus between mid-October 2024 and the beginning of December.

The pathogen continues to dominate the scene, with older adults being the most affected. Compared to the previous week, the number of reported infections increased by five percent and thus remains at a similarly high level.

Significant increases in cases of influenza and RSV

In the last week of November, however, there was a significant increase in reported cases of influenza, which mainly occur in children, adolescents and young adults.

And the increase in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections is also continuing, up by a third compared to the previous week, but still at a low level, according to the LUA. So far, almost 9,800 coronavirus infections have been registered - as well as 330 cases of influenza and 180 RSV cases.

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