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Katharina Christl becomes Rector of the Palucca University

Sebastian Gemkow, Minister of Science of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Sebastian Gemkow, Minister of Science of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Dance training is considered a school for life - even if the actual careers of dancers are comparatively short. There is now a change at the top of Germany's only independent dance academy.

Katharina Christl will head the renowned Palucca University of Dance in Dresden in the future. The senate of the school unanimously followed the vote of a selection committee appointed by the Minister of Science Sebastian Gemkow (CDU), the ministry announced on Monday. Christl is a professor at the university and heads the master's degree course in choreography here.

With her, the university is relying on an "internationally very experienced, highly recognized and sought-after choreographer", explained Gemkow. Christl could further strengthen the excellent reputation of Dresden's dance education and promote the further development of the university. The minister thanked the previous rector Jason Beechey, who led the university for almost 18 years and was appointed to the Zurich University of the Arts.

Katharina Christl comes from Dresden and studied at the Palucca University under its namesake Gret Palucca (1902-1993). She later worked as a freelance choreographer with engagements in France and Belgium, among others. Christl is also in demand as a guest lecturer in the field of dance at renowned academies, universities and festivals around the world.

Palucca founded the school named after her in Dresden in 1925. The Palucca University of Dance emerged from it in 1999. There are currently 170 young men and women from 34 countries studying here, including Australia, Peru, Mexico and Saudi Arabia. The university offers a bachelor's degree in dance, master's degrees in dance education and choreography as well as a master class program.

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