Almost 2.1 million people visited the State Palaces, Castles and Gardens (Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten, SBG) last year. This means that the pre-corona level of 2019 - the year with the highest number of visitors to date with 2.13 million guests - has been reached again, as Managing Director Christian Striefler said at the presentation of the 2024 annual results. Compared to 2023, eight percent more visitors came to "Schlösserland Sachsen".
"We can look back on a year that leaves us very satisfied and pleased," said Striefler. As in previous years, Pillnitz Palace and Park were the most popular with almost 407,000 guests, followed by Moritzburg Palace with 278,000 guests.
Strong month of December
Striefler described December as the "best month". The Cinderella exhibition in Moritzburg, the "Spook under the Christmas Tree" in Weesenstein Castle and the "Christmas Garden" in Pillnitz Castle Park brought about a change. Visitor numbers used to be higher in the warmer months of May and September. Last year, revenue amounted to 13.2 million euros - an increase of one million euros compared to 2023 despite higher costs.
Striefler highlighted the opening of Colditz Castle as a highlight, which attracted almost 27,000 visitors last year. The museum there offers insights into earlier eras and escape stories from the time when Colditz was a prisoner of war camp. There was a success to celebrate in Moritzburg: the Cinderella exhibition welcomed its 1.5 millionth visitor in its 13th season.
Climate change affects historical gardens
Climate change also presented the SBG with challenges last year. "This is actually what worries us the most," said Striefler. Increasing extreme weather events such as heavy rain, flooding and storms are a particular problem for the historic gardens. In 2024, Pillnitz Palace Park and the Great Garden in Dresden each suffered damage amounting to around 400,000 euros. In addition, 444 trees had to be felled, 372 of them in the Great Garden alone.
Schlösserland looks forward to an exciting year in 2025
The "Schlösserland" also has some highlights in store for visitors in 2025. The park railroad in Dresden's Great Garden is celebrating its anniversary this year. In mid-April, it will start its 75th season with a newly renovated station. At Rammenau Castle, the new exhibition "Cowshed and Silver Plates" opens at the end of June, where visitors can immerse themselves in the everyday world of nobility and servants.
At Moritzburg Castle, the special exhibition "Thin Ice - Inuit on Display", which runs from the end of June to November, explores the forced journey of showmen two centuries ago, which also led through Saxony.
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