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Drought affects grain harvest in Saxony

A tractor pulls a plow and harrow across a harvested field / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild
A tractor pulls a plow and harrow across a harvested field / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild

In Saxony, an above-average grain harvest is expected despite the drought, but with impaired quality.

In Saxony, an above-average grain harvest is expected despite the drought. The harvest estimate assumes 6.8 tons per hectare, the State Statistical Office announced Thursday. This would mean that yields per hectare would be about four percent higher than last year. However, the quality of the grain was negatively affected by the abundant rain during the harvesting phase from the end of July to the beginning of August. Winter wheat and rye in particular, which are generally used as bread cereals, were harvested late. This had an unfavorable effect on the baking properties of the grain, so that it could probably be used primarily only as feed grain.

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