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HWK Dresden: 1,104 apprenticeship contracts signed in East Saxony

Apprenticeship contracts in the East Saxon skilled trades are becoming increasingly popular / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Apprenticeship contracts in the East Saxon skilled trades are becoming increasingly popular / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Apprenticeships in the skilled trades are popular in Saxony. The number of apprenticeships completed early is increasing.

Dresden (dpa/sn) - Shortly after the start of the summer vacations, the skilled trades sector in eastern Saxony recorded an increase in the number of newly concluded apprenticeship contracts. A few months before the start of the new training year, 1,104 apprenticeship contracts had already been signed, according to the Dresden Chamber of Crafts. This is an increase of 2.7 percent compared to the previous year. So far, 251 women and 853 men want to learn one of the more than 80 skilled trades professions in East Saxony from the fall.

This interim result is positive, said Manuela Salewski, Deputy Managing Director of the Dresden Chamber of Skilled Crafts. "The skilled trades companies in the region want to provide training and are looking for motivated young people." The skilled crafts sector is the first port of call when it comes to sustainability, climate protection and the energy transition. "Young people not only have good prospects for the future in the skilled trades, but can also play an active role in climate protection."

According to the Chamber of Skilled Crafts, there are currently around 490 vacancies for apprenticeships and 300 internships. The skilled trades in Germany offer training in 130 professions - around 80 of which can be learned in East Saxony.

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