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Noise measurements at Witznitz solar park: No exceedances of the guideline values detected

The Witznitz solar park complies with the official noise guidelines despite complaints. (Archive image) / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
The Witznitz solar park complies with the official noise guidelines despite complaints. (Archive image) / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

A constant hum from the Witznitz solar park has triggered over 70 complaints from local residents. The first results of the local noise measurement are now available.

According to initial measurements by the district administration office, the noise from the Witznitz solar park is within the norm. According to the office in Borna, no exceedances of official guide values are discernible. A final assessment is planned for the end of September. However, the aim is to reduce the noise pollution for local people to below a certain level in the long term.

After more than 70 complaints from residents living near Germany's largest solar park, the environmental agency responded with a week-long noise measurement. Permanent measuring stations were installed both on the site of the transformer station and in the neighboring villages of Gaulis and Rötha.

The noticeable humming was therefore mainly due to the transformers of the plant, the district office announced. The transformer noise is particularly audible at night, as the daily noise from the surrounding area is no longer present.

The solar park was opened in July on the site of the former Witznitz II open-cast lignite mine.

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