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Serious accident on the 72 freeway

An ambulance is on duty with its blue lights flashing / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa/Symbolic image
An ambulance is on duty with its blue lights flashing / Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa/Symbolic image

A man was seriously injured in an accident on highway 72.

A 51-year-old man was seriously injured in an accident on the Autobahn 72 on Saturday. According to the Zwickau police department, he had stopped in his car on the hard shoulder between the Hartenstein and Zwickau-Ost junctions and then suddenly ran onto the carriageway. According to eyewitness reports, a lorry driver (44) tried to avoid the man but then hit him. Following road users took care of the casualty until the emergency services arrived. The highway remained fully closed in the direction of Hof for two hours.

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