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Van overturns after collision with car - two injured

An arrow points the way to the emergency room of a hospital / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolic image
An arrow points the way to the emergency room of a hospital / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolic image

Transporter overturns after collision with car, two injured. Material damage 20,000 euros.

A van has overturned near Lichtentanne following a violent collision with a car. Two men were injured in the accident.

On Monday morning, an 84-year-old driver disregarded the right of way of a 63-year-old transport driver at a junction, police said on Tuesday morning. The collision caused the van to overturn onto its passenger side. Both drivers had to be taken to hospital with injuries.

The damage to property amounted to 20,000 euros. The scene of the accident was closed for around two hours.

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