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Saxony attracts high-performing students from abroad with new funding opportunities

Sebastian Gemkow (CDU), Science Minister of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Sebastian Gemkow (CDU), Science Minister of Saxony / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony extends Georgius Agricola scholarships for students from abroad to meet demand for skilled workers

Saxony wants to attract high-performing students from abroad with new funding opportunities. The cabinet in Dresden gave its approval to a modified funding guideline on Tuesday. "In order to secure the enormous demand for skilled workers in Saxony, including in the academic sector, we are urgently dependent on young people from abroad," explained Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow (CDU). The acquisition succeeds through advertising with attractive university locations, but also through financial incentives. "This is why we have decided to open up and expand the Georgius Agricola scholarships to a much wider circle." Previously, the scholarships were reserved for talented students from Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

The new funding includes a basic scholarship for first-year students from certain countries in the amount of the current BAföG rate. This is intended to ensure that their livelihood is secured and that they are able to study in Saxony at all. A merit scholarship is aimed at students regardless of their country of origin and amounts to 300 euros per month for a maximum of two semesters. There is also a business scholarship of 150 euros per month for foreign students who complete an internship in a Saxon company.

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