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Senate of Leipzig University: Declaration against right-wing extremism

The rising sun is reflected in the mirrored façade elements of the Paulinum at Leipzig University / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
The rising sun is reflected in the mirrored façade elements of the Paulinum at Leipzig University / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The Senate of Leipzig University has adopted a declaration against anti-democracy and right-wing extremism. According to the university, it wants to take a firm stand against attacks on democracy. "Hatred and exclusion do not produce solutions. They lead to fear of discrimination and paralyze innovation," reads the declaration published on Wednesday. "We call for the fundamental values of democracy to be defended at all times, both inside and outside the university, and for people to take a stand against right-wing extremism."

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