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Christmas child: face wanted for Canaletto market 2023

A decorated fir tree. / Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa/symbol
A decorated fir tree. / Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa/symbol

Three months before the fourth Advent is for the Canalettomarkt in Pirna also this time a Christmas child sought. For the successor of Hannes can apply girls and boys between five and eleven years, as the organizers announced on Wednesday. "The Christmas child should be bright, cheerful and outgoing, not afraid to speak in front of large audiences and enjoy being photographed." So far, there have been nine children who were the face of the Christmas market in the city on the Elbe, named after Baroque painter Canaletto, who immortalized the famous artist in eleven famous vedute. The Pirna Canaletto Market runs from Nov. 28 to Dec. 23 and Dec. 27 to 30.

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