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Deficits in the implementation of the 20-point plan 'Medical Care 2030' in Saxony

A pediatrician wearing an antiviral gown and carrying a stethoscope / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild
A pediatrician wearing an antiviral gown and carrying a stethoscope / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild

The president of the State Medical Association, Erik Bodendieck, criticizes the implementation of the 20-point plan 'Medical Care 2030' of the Saxon government of 2019.

The president of the State Medical Association, Erik Bodendieck, sees deficits in the implementation of the 20-point plan "Medical Care 2030" of the Saxon government of 2019. Its focus is on staff recruitment instead of modern care structures, he criticized according to a statement before the debate on Wednesday in the state parliament in Dresden. Although the medical profession has grown significantly, "medical care is less and less secured, especially in rural areas."

According to Bodendieck, working in one's own practice is becoming increasingly unattractive, infrastructure measures are having a difficult time taking hold - such as digitization - and the direct and indirect bureaucratic burden has reached "an unbearable level." In the result the "internal emigration" grows in the medical profession, which is a bad model for the new generation.

The chamber president complained besides missing appreciation for the ambulatory sector. There it is not enough to say simply times "thank you". Appreciation was also financial support such as a bonus for medical assistants, relief from bureaucracy or recognition of medical activity also in its importance for the national economy, which had been proven in the Corona pandemic.

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