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Free voters in Saxony back Aiwanger

Hubert Aiwanger speaks at a press conference / Photo: Peter Kneffel/dpa
Hubert Aiwanger speaks at a press conference / Photo: Peter Kneffel/dpa

The Free Voters in Saxony have backed their controversial federal chairman Hubert Aiwanger and called for an end to the debate about his person. "Aiwanger's statements are to be believed within the framework of the presumption of innocence. We therefore fully back Hubert Aiwanger, whom we have always known as a decent person. And now it is also times well , explained land leader Thomas Weidinger on Sunday evening. The people would burn other problems under the nails. Aiwanger is Minister of Economic Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria. Bavaria's head of government Markus Söder (CSU) had left him in office on Sunday despite calls for his resignation.

Aiwanger had been suspected a good week ago after a report by the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" to have written an anti-Semitic leaflet as a student in the 1980s. He denied this, but admitted that one or a few copies had been found in his pocket. His brother then accused himself of being the author. Subsequently, however, more and more accusations were made, some anonymously, about Aiwanger's political behavior at the time. After several days, he apologized on Thursday, but at the same time went over to the counterattack and complained about a political campaign against himself.

"In this context, we would of course have wished for better and above all more short-term communication on the part of Hubert Aiwanger," Weidinger emphasized. The statement to the reproaches as well as the excuse Aiwangers would have had to take place earlier. The answer of the questions by Aiwanger did not bring new realizations. Therefore the free voters Saxonia would see no sufficient reason for a resignation. Aiwanger had made it clear that anti-Semitic content was absolutely unacceptable and not in line with the principles of both the Free Voters and society as a whole.

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