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Kretschmer campaigns for high voter turnout and clear conditions in Saxony

Dresden: Minister President Michael Kretschmer campaigns in front of election workers for a high voter turnout on September 1. (Archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Dresden: Minister President Michael Kretschmer campaigns in front of election workers for a high voter turnout on September 1. (Archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Three weeks before the state elections in Saxony, the election campaign is in full swing. The Minister President thanks election workers and focuses on positive energy.

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) is campaigning for a high turnout in the state elections and clear conditions in the state. People will have to wake up on September 2 and live with an election result, he said at an event for election workers at the Dresden Film Nights on the banks of the Elbe.

He very much hopes that Saxony will then be able to continue to set the course and make promises to investors. "We have to be strong, we have to be able to make decisions, we have to be stable. That's what September 1st is all about." To achieve this, we need a "Saxon way".

According to Kretschmer, the last few elections have repeatedly shown "that there are people who have given up, who no longer have any goals, who no longer have any dreams or wishes or expectations". However, elections require a decision that has a positive effect.

Open-mindedness and positive energy

There are people who believe that you have to vote for protest in order for something to change in Berlin. "But nothing will change in Berlin, not overnight and probably not in the next few weeks either."

It is important that a lot of people go to the polls, vote strategically and know that Saxony needs the ability to govern, said Kretschmer. It is important to focus on the future, on cosmopolitanism and positive energy: "Saxony is a modern state, a cosmopolitan state, a state in which different positions are possible."

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