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Kretschmer swears by the opposition's cooperation in the state parliament

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer once again shakes hands with the opposition during a government statement in the state parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer once again shakes hands with the opposition during a government statement in the state parliament / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Saxony has a minority government for the first time. The CDU and SPD are dependent on the cooperation of the opposition. This also becomes clear during the debate on the Prime Minister's first government statement.

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) clearly relies on the cooperation of the opposition in his government work. "We have more in common than divides us," he said in his first government statement of the new legislative period and thanked most parliamentary groups for their willingness to actively participate in consultations with the CDU-SPD minority government. It lacks ten votes for a majority in parliament.

Consultation mechanism should not be a one-way street

The left, the Greens and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) want to participate in the planned consultation mechanism, while the AfD rejects the procedure. The mechanism is to be voted on in the state parliament this afternoon. According to Kretschmer, this procedure will not be a "one-way street". The opposition parties could also contribute with their own bills and motions.

Kretschmer prepares Saxony for savings

At the same time, Kretschmer prepared Saxony for difficult times. It will have significantly less financial resources than before, around two billion euros per year. That is why we need to concentrate on the really important things for the state. The money is scarce and there is only so much that can be distributed. However, there is no reason to be despondent.

Minister President hopes for impetus from new federal government

"Germany is in a difficult economic crisis, not a slump. We will not be able to solve these problems of two billion euros in Saxony alone," said Kretschmer. He added that the new federal government would work to ensure that things improve throughout Germany. "We urgently need the signal that work, performance, entrepreneurship and profits are good for this country."

AfD sees minority government as a "coalition of weakness"

AfD parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban lashed out at the government, calling it a "coalition of weakness". It could only work "if the CDU negotiates in back rooms with parties that are anything but conservative and bourgeois". Forming a majority with the strongest opposition party, the AfD, is ruled out. That is "cheating the voters". A firewall erected by the CDU stands in the way of Saxony's future.

CDU parliamentary group leader appeals for openness and trust

CDU parliamentary group leader Christian Hartmann appealed to everyone to face up to the political situation and break new ground. "This also means no longer thinking in terms of rejection and approval of motions between opposition and coalition. For this to succeed, we all need openness, trust and a willingness to learn." Boundaries between government and opposition would become blurred in this legislature, everyone would be responsible.

BSW attests government "strategy of standstill"

Ronny Kupke, deputy parliamentary group leader of the BSW, accused the minority government of lacking the will to shape the future, among other things. "Industry and SMEs are under pressure. Craft businesses are struggling to survive. Young companies are finding it difficult to establish themselves on the market." However, instead of promoting the economy, the government is pursuing a "strategy of stagnation". It lacks a clear growth strategy.

SPD: Society must be brought together from the middle

SPD parliamentary group leader Henning Homann called on all parliamentary groups to leave the party-political trenches behind. "Let's talk to each other more. Let's argue with each other in a cultured way. Our goal must be to bring our society back together from the center." It is not just about helping good ideas from the government to gain a majority. "It's also about taking up good ideas from the opposition."

Greens see a learning curve for everyone involved

According to Franziska Schubert, parliamentary group leader of the Greens, the new situation means a learning curve for everyone involved. The next few years will only succeed "if we rely on seriously good cooperation, on give and take, on generosity and on freedom". The Greens are prepared to work constructively on this. However, they expect the government and its leader to focus on the matter at hand.

Left party leader assures government of reliability

Left party leader Susanne Schaper assured the government of reliability. "We assume that the Prime Minister's offer is sincere and we are prepared to accept it. In the end, actions count. Our times are so dangerous that we must work together as democrats," said Schaper. The left sees itself as a responsible opposition that wants to solve problems.

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