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Leipzig school theater group in safety

Burkhard Jung (SPD), Lord Mayor of Leipzig / Photo: Henning Kaiser/dpa
Burkhard Jung (SPD), Lord Mayor of Leipzig / Photo: Henning Kaiser/dpa

A Leipzig student theater group is currently in Herzliya, Israel. All 15 young people are safe and well. Their return to Germany is under consideration. Leipzig's mayor condemns Hamas' major attack on Israel.

A student theater group from Leipzig is currently in the Israeli twin city Herzliya. The 15 young people are safe and well, Leipzig's mayor Burkhard Jung (SPD) announced on Sunday. It is being checked whether the group of the Theaterhaus Schille can fly back to Germany on Monday as planned. He said Leipzig's city administration was in close contact with the group.

Jung condemned the large-scale attack on Israel by Islamist Hamas. "This attack must end immediately, the state has every right to defend itself against the attackers. Our solidarity is with the people of Israel, our sympathy with the victims of this attack and their families," Jung said.

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