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New state parliament convenes for the first time on October 1

The state election took place on September 1 (archive photo). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The state election took place on September 1 (archive photo). / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The newly elected members of parliament meet for their first session. The first decisions have already been made.

The new state parliament meets for the first time after the election on October 1. The former President Wolf-Dietrich Rost (CDU) invites the 120 MPs to the constituent session, as announced by the state parliament. The agenda includes the so-called commitment of the MPs and the election of the new President of Parliament.

In preparation, representatives of the six parliamentary groups met with Rost for consultations at the invitation of the current President of Parliament, Matthias Rößler (CDU). The participants agreed on an agenda.

Rost also determined the seating arrangements in the plenary chamber for the first session. According to this, the BSW parliamentary group, which is represented in parliament for the first time, will be placed between the SPD and the Left Party. Otherwise, the order of the previous legislative period will be retained (from right to left: AfD, CDU, Greens, SPD, BSW, Left). The non-attached member of the Free Voters will be placed in the last row between the CDU and the Greens.

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