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Saxony's IHKs see state elections as a warning shot

The chambers of industry and commerce in Saxony regard the election result as a "warning shot". (Photo illustration) / Photo: picture alliance / Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
The chambers of industry and commerce in Saxony regard the election result as a "warning shot". (Photo illustration) / Photo: picture alliance / Hendrik Schmidt/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The business world keeps a very close eye on what is happening in politics. This is because their decisions have both positive and negative effects on companies.

Dresden (dpa/sn) - The chambers of industry and commerce (IHK) in Saxony consider the result of the state election in the Free State to be a "warning shot". At a meeting of the three chambers in Dresden, they agreed on how to represent the interests of the economy in the upcoming exploratory talks and coalition negotiations. In the opinion of the chambers, there can be no "business as usual". The next five years will be crucial "to regain the trust of voters and lead the Free State back to its former path of success".

The Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig want to be at the table during the upcoming negotiations. "Specifically, the chambers will form teams of entrepreneurs and IHK experts who will actively accompany the process that is now beginning in order to anchor the core economic policy demands in future government action," it said.

The chambers immediately submitted their first demands. Among other things, they are calling for a 15 percent reduction in public administration staff in the Free State and a "lean procurement law without ideological ballast". Opening hours on Sundays and public holidays should be liberalized. A paradigm shift is needed in the funding landscape. A coordinated expansion of the energy infrastructure and a better transport infrastructure are needed. In order to increase the domestic labor market potential, the "number of benefit recipients must be halved". "Linking residence in the country to work" is another priority, which obviously relates to migrants.

In the state elections on Sunday, the AfD came in just behind the CDU (31.9%) with 30.6% of the vote. As things stand, the CDU is now reliant on a coalition with the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance and the SPD or the Greens. A continuation of the black-green-red coalition is not enough.

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