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Saxony's interior minister criticizes law on deportations

Armin Schuster (CDU), Minister of the Interior of Saxony, takes part in the session in the state parliament / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild
Armin Schuster (CDU), Minister of the Interior of Saxony, takes part in the session in the state parliament / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

Saxon Interior Minister Armin Schuster is sceptical about the effectiveness of the new law on deportations. This "will tie our hands even more, and we will move even further away from the repatriation offensive announced by the Federal Chancellor", the CDU politician told the Bild newspaper (Saturday). The so-called Repatriation Improvement Act had also passed the Bundesrat on Friday.

Schuster criticized in particular the new requirement that every deportee must be provided with a public defender. The lawyer informs those affected about the deportation "even before the police officers can move out", which is the "sign to go underground", he said. "This also makes the extension of deportation detention absurd, as we can't even get hold of the people." Schuster pointed out that two thirds of deportations already fail today - the majority due to absconding.

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