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Visit to Vogtland: Focus on democracy education

Bärbel Bas (SPD), President of the Bundestag / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa
Bärbel Bas (SPD), President of the Bundestag / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

The Presidium of the Bundestag is visiting Vogtland for two days to find out about challenges in rural areas. The focus will also be on democracy education initiatives, especially for children and young people. "Many people have the feeling that politics has become alienated from them and is no longer interested in them. And they believe that they can't make a difference," explained Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD) at the launch on Tuesday. "That is poison for our democracy."

The Vogtland region on the border between Saxony, Thuringia, Bavaria and Bohemia is known for its tradition of musical instrument making. To kick things off, the politicians therefore visited a master workshop for metal wind instruments. Also on the agenda on Tuesday were the World Cup ski jump in Klingenthal and the children's and youth center at St. Mark's Church in Plauen. On Wednesday, the flying visit will continue in Auerbach and end with a visit to the German-German Museum in Mödlareuth.

The President of the Bundestag represents Parliament. In terms of protocol, it is the second highest office in Germany after the Federal President, ahead of the Federal Chancellor. She has five deputies. These include Yvonne Magwas (CDU) from Saxony, who has her constituency in Vogtland and is hosting the visit. The duties of the President and her deputies include chairing the plenary sessions of the Bundestag.

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