The lack of representation of East Germans in the new Bundestag presidium has been criticized by Leipzig Green politician Paula Piechotta. "While the last Bundestag presidium was made up of three strong East Germans, there is now not a single person who was born or grew up in East Germany," said Piechotta in Berlin. "Once again, East Germans are underrepresented in the central institutions of the Federal Republic." However, this is also due to the voting decisions of many East Germans, not just the electoral law reform, added the Green politician.
In the eastern German states of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony, the AfD became the strongest party. It also won the vast majority of constituencies in eastern Germany. Their candidate for the office of Vice President, Gerold Otten, failed in the first round of voting. The former Bundeswehr officer also comes from West Germany.
In addition to President Julia Klöckner (CDU), the Vice-Presidents Andrea Lindholz (CSU), Josephine Ortleb (SPD), Omid Nouripour (Greens) and Bodo Ramelow (Left Party) were elected to the new Bundestag presidium. Ramelow comes from the West, but was Prime Minister of Thuringia for a long time. In the previous parliamentary term, the East Germans Yvonne Magwas (SPD), Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Greens) and Petra Pau (Left) were members of the Bundestag presidium.
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