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Defender successfully operated on

Halle's Sebastian Zieleniecki plays the ball / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Halle's Sebastian Zieleniecki plays the ball / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Hallescher FC defender Sebastian Zieleniecki has undergone successful surgery. Following the operation, he will not be available to HFC in the relegation battle.

According to the club, Hallescher FC defender Sebastian Zieleniecki has undergone a successful operation. "From now on, it's all uphill," the third-division soccer club wrote on Saturday with a photo showing the 28-year-old next to team doctor Thomas Bartels after the operation. Zieleniecki tore his cruciate ligament in the 2-1 defeat to Borussia Dortmund II and will not be available for HFC's relegation battle.

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