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Dozens of charges filed after European Championship match between Croatia and Italy

Croatia's Luka Modric celebrates his goal for 1:0 / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Croatia's Luka Modric celebrates his goal for 1:0 / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The match between Croatia and Italy at the European Football Championship has led to a major police operation in Leipzig. As things stand, 45 criminal offenses and five administrative offenses were registered, as the police announced early Tuesday morning. However, it is expected that the number of cases will increase considerably after the evaluation of the night. A total of around 2,000 police officers were deployed.

Most of the investigations were for attempted grievous bodily harm in connection with the setting off of pyrotechnics, but also for incitement of the people, the use of signs of unconstitutional organizations, assault and trespassing. Several thousand Croatian and Italian fans were out and about in the trade fair city.

Before the match on Monday evening, eight Croatian fans who had previously been refused entry were apprehended and taken into custody. According to the police, six men had also shouted anti-constitutional slogans in a bar. The four Croatians and two Germans are being investigated on suspicion of incitement to hatred.

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