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Kretschmer in favor of Germany's bid for the 2040 Olympics

Hopes for the 2040 Olympics in Germany: Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer.  / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Hopes for the 2040 Olympics in Germany: Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

After the Summer Games in Paris, German athletes and officials are dreaming of the 2040 Olympics on home soil. Saxony's Minister President also sees opportunities here.

Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has spoken out in favor of a German bid for the 2040 Olympic Games. "With the enthusiasm of Paris, we say yes, we want this," he said at the reception for the Saxon participants at the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris at the State Chancellery in Dresden. "50 years of German unity, then these games must also take place here; Leipzig, Dresden, we also want them here with us."

The Free State wants to provide better support for competitive sport in Saxony in the coming years. The funding should be "right, decent and appropriate to the great sporting achievements", said Kretschmer. The coalition negotiations and the next budget are to be structured accordingly. Active athletes should be on hand to provide advice.

18 Olympic athletes welcomed

"We want to set off together on the road to further sporting excellence," said Kretschmer in front of the 18 athletes who were present in Paris, their families and coaches. Among them were gold canoeist Tom Liebscher-Lucz as well as medal winners Max Gelhaar and Martin Schulz and handball player Luca Witzke.

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