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Noticias sobre #Olympics

Michael Kretschmer (CDU, r), Minister President of Saxony, and Tom Liebscher-Lucz, double Olympic champion in canoeing, sit in a two-man kayak and paddle on the Elbe / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Kretschmer rows for canoeing in Dresden

He is a successful canoe racer, his partner is Saxony's head of government. Michael Kretschmer joins Tom Liebscher in the boat for the 2024 Olympics in Paris - and a sport that receives too little attention.

Thomas Härtel, President of the Berlin State Sports Association / Photo: Andreas Gora/dpa/Archivbild

Härtel on Olympic bid: "Time is running out"

Sports official Härtel sees time running out with regard to a possible Olympic bid. He also sharply criticizes the Ministry of the Interior, which is responsible for sport, in other areas.

Olympic champion Ronald Rauhe / Photo: Michael Bahlo/dpa/Archivbild

Olympic canoeing champion Rauhe elected to the Athletes' Commission

Olympic canoeing champion Ronald Rauhe has been elected to the Athletes' Commission of the European Olympic Committees. This was announced by the German Canoe Association (DKV) on Tuesday. The 42-year-old Rauhe, who ended his successful career with gold in the four-man kayak at the Olympic Games in ..

Mariama Jamanka (l) and Alexandra Burghardt of Germany cheer with their silver medal / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa/Archivbild

Olympic bobsleigh champion Jamanka becomes TV presenter

Olympic bobsleigh champion Mariama Jamanka is to become a TV presenter. The 33-year-old Berlin native, who ended her competitive sports career after winning the silver medal in Beijing 2022 together with Alexandra Burghardt in the two-man bobsled, will take over the sports block in ARD's midday maga ..

Bobsleigh racers sit in the two-man bob type FES-208. / Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa

IAT and FES fear a drop in performance due to funding cuts

The funding cuts planned by the German government in the draft budget for the Olympic year 2024 threaten even successful sports such as bobsleigh, track cycling and biathlon. The institutes for applied training science in Leipzig (IAT) and for research and development of sports equipment in Berlin ( ..