Schäfer-Betz: "Systematic failure" in German gymnastics
More and more top female gymnasts are denouncing shortcomings. Former balance beam world champion Pauline Schäfer-Betz already did so in 2020. She continues to see a major flaw in the system.
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More and more top female gymnasts are denouncing shortcomings. Former balance beam world champion Pauline Schäfer-Betz already did so in 2020. She continues to see a major flaw in the system.
Asylum seekers in the Vogtland district will receive payment cards instead of cash from April to prevent misuse. District office orders 800 cards.
Brandenburg wants to provide better support for children and young people who have been victims of sexual abuse. The state parliament spoke out in favor of examining a Childhood House.
The Halle Labor Court has postponed the hearing again and a decision is not expected before April.
The number of children and young people being treated in hospital for alcohol abuse is increasing again in Saxony. In the previous year, 984 girls and boys under the age of 20 were taken to hospital due to alcohol intoxication.
Jan Hempel receives more than half a million euros in compensation and damages from the German Swimming Association. He is relieved. He wants to help other victims.
Former water diver Jan Hempel and the German Swimming Federation have settled their dispute over compensation for years of sexual abuse. The DSV will pay Hempel 600,000 euros.