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News about #Holidays

Vehicles are stuck in a traffic jam on a highway / Photo: Mia Bucher/dpa/Symbolic image

ADAC warns of heavy traffic before Christmas in Saxony

Drivers in Saxony can expect a lot of traffic before Christmas. Most traffic jams are expected on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, according to the ADAC on Monday.The greatest potential for congestion is on the Autobahn 4 (Zwickau, Chemnitz, Dresden and Görlitz) and on the A9 (Leipzig). From C ..

Vehicles jam on a highway / Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa/Symbolbild

Start of the vacations and long weekend: ADAC expects traffic jams

At the start of the autumn vacations in Saxony and Thuringia, motorists must prepare for traffic jams on the weekend. Delays and traffic jams are to be expected especially in the conurbations of Magdeburg and Halle/Leipzig, as well as the main traffic routes, the ADAC announced on Thursday.It will b ..