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News about #Karlsruhe

The industrial estate of the former Rositz tar processing plant / Photo: Bodo Schackow/dpa

No decision on environmental damage caused by former GDR companies

A funding dispute between the federal government and the states of Saxony and Thuringia regarding the costs of cleaning up environmental damage caused by former GDR state-owned companies remains unresolved at the Federal Constitutional Court. The highest German court rejected applications by the two ..

A sign indicates that illegally parked vehicles will be towed away. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Ruling on the amount of parking fees for a towed car

How long can a private towing service collect demurrage charges for a car that has been removed and can these charges run into the thousands? The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) is set to announce a ruling on this on Friday (9.00 am) in Karlsruhe.It concerns a case from Saxony in which the towing com ..