Expert government in Saxony: political compromise or danger to democracy?
Sachsen diskutiert die Option einer Expertenregierung. Warum diese Idee polarisiert und welche Konsequenzen sie für die Demokratie hätte.
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Sachsen diskutiert die Option einer Expertenregierung. Warum diese Idee polarisiert und welche Konsequenzen sie für die Demokratie hätte.
The AfD is coming up trumps in Saxony. However, according to an election researcher analysis, a large majority of citizens do not want to see them in government. The incumbent Kretschmer should remain head of government.
Minister-President Kretschmer takes stock, followed by long debates in the state parliament. Mammoth program with 24 bills expected.
Saxon apple variety is planted in the royal garden of Versailles. Prime Minister Kretschmer presents Macron with an apple tree.
Michael Kretschmer meets Gojko Mitić, an East German acting legend, at the inauguration of a sandstone stele for the film 'The Sons of the Great Bear' in Rathen on May 19.