Federal Green Party leader calls for solidarity to protect democracy
After attacks on candidates and campaign workers, Ricarda Lang calls for cross-party protection of democracy.
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After attacks on candidates and campaign workers, Ricarda Lang calls for cross-party protection of democracy.
Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck calls for solidarity in the face of frequent attacks on politicians. Attacks are an expression of the brutalization of political debate.
SPD Federal Chair Saskia Esken warns against trivializing the attack on SPD MEP Matthias Ecke as the act of an individual.
Saxony's Equal Opportunities Minister Katja Meier (Greens) promotes more solidarity and gender equality at a reception in the state parliament.
The Saxon State Parliament commemorates the victims of the Hamas attack on Israel with a minute's silence at the beginning of the plenary session. There will also be a topical debate on the subject of solidarity with Israel and the protection of Jewish life in Saxony.
Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has again called for a "critical stocktaking" of benefits for asylum seekers. Citizens rightly expect us to return to management and control. In fact, however, he said, the key issue for people is not whether the federal government or the states provide funding, but that the numbers are reduced overall.
Two demonstrations on the Middle East conflict will take place in Dresden on Saturday - one for solidarity with Israel and another for peace in Palestine.
Police in Chemnitz have drawn up a total of eight charges following an unannounced protest meeting against a solidarity rally with Israel. A tense situation arose between the solidarity gathering and counter-demonstrators.
The flag of Israel flies in front of the Saxon State Chancellery in Dresden as a sign of solidarity. The Free State of Saxony stands by Israel and expresses sympathy for the victims and their families.