Greens want easier conditions for timber construction in Saxony
Timber construction is the trend for detached and semi-detached houses in Saxony. However, the rate for multi-storey buildings is stagnating.
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Timber construction is the trend for detached and semi-detached houses in Saxony. However, the rate for multi-storey buildings is stagnating.
There was plenty of "logging" in Klingenthal, Saxony, on Saturday. Germany's best lumberjacks competed for the title. On Sunday, it's the women's turn in an international competition.
Wood turners from different countries delight visitors in Olbernhau with filigree figures and bowls up to two meters in diameter.
Around 2000 woodturners from different countries come together to share their passion for woodturning and exchange ideas
The sale of valuable timber has once again generated high proceeds for Saxony's forest owners this year. An average of 574 euros per cubic meter was paid at the timber submission, a type of auction. This was around nine percent less than in the record year of 2023, but 19 percent higher than the result in 2022.
Saxony wants to make better use of wood from local forests. According to Economics Minister Martin Dulig (SPD), the potential of wood for achieving climate targets is still vastly underestimated. "The abundance of wood, especially in the Westerzgebirge, provides a good basis for long and robust valu ..