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CDU politician from Saxony warns against focusing on large-scale projects in the structural change of lignite mining areas

Marko Schiemann (CDU) stands in front of a photo wall on the occasion of the constituent session of the state parliament. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archivbild
Marko Schiemann (CDU) stands in front of a photo wall on the occasion of the constituent session of the state parliament. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archivbild

Marko Schiemann emphasizes the importance of involving medium-sized and large companies in the structural change in Lusatia.

Saxon CDU politician Marko Schiemann has warned against only focusing on large-scale projects in the structural change of the lignite regions. He told the German Press Agency in Dresden on Saturday that the transformation in Lusatia would only succeed if medium-sized and large companies were also included in the funding. In addition to important transport infrastructure measures such as the electrification of the Dresden-Bautzen-Görlitz railroad line, the six-lane expansion of the A4 freeway from Dresden to Görlitz and the establishment of research facilities, existing SMEs must also be supported in order for structural change to succeed.

"The framework conditions for creating 10,000 replacement jobs in industry in Upper Lusatia must therefore be improved. We need more equal opportunities for companies that are willing to create jobs in the coal regions," emphasized Schiemann. The current competitive disadvantages of local companies must be corrected. They are already unduly burdened by high energy costs, the increased truck toll and high inflation. The CDU/CSU politician therefore called for the EU aid criteria to be relaxed for companies with more than 250 employees that create additional jobs during structural change. "The German government must finally end its negative stance on economic development and state aid."

"The European Commission has a duty to provide coal regions with these exemptions from competition rules in addition to funding. If state aid rules for large investments in corporations are relaxed, this must be done especially for companies in regions that want to master structural change," argued the member of the state parliament. He called on the federal government and the European Union to adapt the funding principles as quickly as possible so that medium-sized and large medium-sized companies also receive support: "We finally need fair conditions and a significant reduction in the competitive disadvantages for Upper Lusatian business locations."

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