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Bundestag Vice-President Yvonne Magwas announces her retirement

Yvonne Magwas has announced her retirement from politics. (Archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Yvonne Magwas has announced her retirement from politics. (Archive photo) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Yvonne Magwas from Vogtland has been a member of the Bundestag since 2013. The CDU politician has now announced that she does not want to run again. In a personal statement, she looks to Saxony.

Saxon CDU member of parliament Yvonne Magwas is retiring from politics. She is currently Deputy President of Parliament. In a personal statement, the 44-year-old announced that she would not be running for the Bundestag again in 2025. She made this decision, which was not easy for her, together with her family.

In her statement, Magwas also referred to the current situation - especially in her home state. "It is also true that the social climate has become considerably harsher in recent years, especially in Saxony (...) People are lying, discrediting, inciting; democracy and its institutions are being attacked by the AfD, Freie Sachsen, III. Weg, NPD and what they are all called, day after day and systematically questioned with the aim of abolishing them."

"Experienced a lot of indifference"

As a member of parliament, you are particularly under fire. "I've experienced a lot of insults and threats, but unfortunately also a lot of indifference. That drains your strength," says Magwas. "If our country continues down this path, it will become dark and cold - more people should think about this, despite all the small and large shortcomings. It needs heart, a sense of responsibility and public spirit. From many."

Magwas wrote that a lot of positive things have been achieved in Vogtland. "I hope that we see what has been achieved more often, that we first speak positively about our home and our country - because if you are not confident, you cannot convince anyone, you cannot inspire anyone for our region." She called on the CDU to take a clear stance: "A clear line to the far right must be drawn at all times and at all levels."

Magwas, who hails from the Vogtland region, has been a member of the Bundestag since 2013.

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