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Federal Administrative Court sets date for decision on ban on "Compact" magazine

A final decision will be made in the main proceedings in February. (Archive image) / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa
A final decision will be made in the main proceedings in February. (Archive image) / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

The provisional lifting of the "Compact" ban by the Federal Administrative Court is causing tensions. A final decision on the ban is due in February.

After the ban on the far-right magazine "Compact" was temporarily suspended, the date for a fundamental decision has now been set. The main proceedings are scheduled for February 12, 2025 at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig, a court spokeswoman announced. A continuation is possible on February 13 and 14.

The Federal Administrative Court had provisionally lifted the ban on the magazine issued by Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD), expressing doubts in particular about the proportionality of the ban. This means that the magazine may be published again for the time being, subject to certain conditions. The final decision is now expected in around six months' time in the main proceedings.

Criticism of Faeser after provisional failure

Faeser had banned the magazine on July 16 and described it as a "central mouthpiece of the right-wing extremist scene". She emphasized that it was good that such bans could be reviewed by the courts in a constitutional state.

Faeser pointed out that previous bans issued by her ministry had been upheld in court. However, she conceded that they had "lost in parts" and described the process as "quite normal". Following the provisional failure of the "Compact" ban, Faeser was sharply criticized by the FDP, AfD and the CDU/CSU.

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