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Concerns about musical instrument making: The year of the tuba in Saxony's musical corner

Anton Berndt assembles a tuba at the German plant of the French Buffet-Crampon Group in Markneukirchen / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Anton Berndt assembles a tuba at the German plant of the French Buffet-Crampon Group in Markneukirchen / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The year of the tuba worries the few farmers in Saxony's musical corner. Cheap imports are threatening local instrument production.

In the year of the tuba, the few builders of the instrument in Saxony's musical corner are worried about cheaper products from abroad. They are one of the biggest threats to domestic instrument making, says Christine Engel from Buffet Crampon Deutschland GmbH in Markneukirchen in Vogtland. Germany's regional music councils have declared 2024 the year of the tuba.

"The greatest value of an instrument, and especially the tuba, is the craftsman's hours." The sound, intonation and sustainability of a cheaply produced instrument often suffer. "If only products in this category are bought, musical instrument making in the Vogtland region will disappear and with it a large piece of culture."

Stephan Schmidt from HSM Schmidt, the second tuba manufacturer in the Musikwinkel region, also criticizes cheap products. "The instruments are often defective. They often come to us later for repairs."

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