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Saxony's Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs supports alternative learning projects for pupils at risk of leaving school

The aim of the projects is to help pupils regain access to school and learning. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Axel Heimken/dpa
The aim of the projects is to help pupils regain access to school and learning. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Axel Heimken/dpa

The state wants to help pupils who have problems learning or refuse to go to school to find their way back to learning. This is intended to achieve a clear goal.

Since this school year, the Saxon Ministry of Education has been supporting alternative learning projects for pupils at risk of dropping out. The projects aim to help pupils with learning difficulties and school refusal to return to school and learning, according to the ministry.

One of the goals is to achieve a transition to vocational training. 18 projects have been approved, including in Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz. A total of around 18 million euros will flow into the projects over the next four years. The money will reportedly come from state funds and from the European Social Fund for Germany (ESF).

Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU) said that the money will benefit children who did not have a good start: "We must continue to do our homework so that more pupils leave school with a qualification." Piwarz pointed out that all federal states are facing this challenge.

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