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New Mediterranean House in the Botanical Garden of Leipzig University

Visitors walk through the newly opened Mediterranean House in Leipzig University's Botanical Garden / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Visitors walk through the newly opened Mediterranean House in Leipzig University's Botanical Garden / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Visitors to the Botanical Garden can now experience the flora of Australia, South Africa and the Canary Islands. Students and schoolchildren will also benefit from the new beds in the orangery.

The new Mediterranean House has been opened in Leipzig University's Botanical Garden. "We are delighted that with the Mediterranean House, a special meeting place for the university, science and the public has been created with great attention to detail," said the Director of the Botanical Garden, Christian Wirth, at the inauguration on Thursday in Leipzig. Something like this had been missing from the garden until now. "The Mediterranean House is the new heart of our greenhouses and now completely transforms the garden into the university's green room."

For the Mediterranean House, the orangery was rebuilt with two new bedding areas. Visitors will not only be able to experience typical floral elements from Australia, South Africa and the Canary Islands in these beds. They will also be used for teaching students and educating pupils. Accordingly, the corresponding Mediterranean species have so far only been cultivated as potted plants. These were and are exclusively kept as potted plants outdoors in summer and in the orangery in winter.

In future, exhibitions, plant shows, discussion evenings, lectures and presentations will also be held in the Mediterranean House. Interested parties can now visit the Mediterranhaus during the usual opening hours of the University Botanic Garden's greenhouses.

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