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Rolando Villazón and Ella Endlich at Dresden Advent concert

Rolando Villazón and Ella Endlich at the Dresden Advent concert in the stadium. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Rolando Villazón and Ella Endlich at the Dresden Advent concert in the stadium. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Every year, hundreds of Herrnhut stars and singers bring thousands of people into the Advent spirit live in the Dresden soccer stadium. Once again, big names have been announced - and everyone can sing along.

Opera singer Rolando Villazón will host the Dresden Advent concert in the soccer stadium this year. "Furrrrioso - it is an extraordinary honor for me," said the world-famous artist, who will also be singing, according to the organizers. In 2018, he recorded the Christmas carol "Feliz Navidad" together with the famous Dresden Kreuzchor in the run-up to the traditional spectacle. This encounter made a lasting impression on him. "These young people sing with so much dedication and passion, it's a privilege for me to be able to work with them again."

According to the announcement, Ella Endlich will also be there on 19 December to sing her best-known song "Küss mich, lieb mich, halt mich". The singer, presenter and music producer said it was "a very special atmosphere" to sing the title song from the fairytale film "Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella" in front of thousands of people.

In addition, the well-known cellist Hauser will play Christmas music, the Dutch opera singer and musical actress Aswintha Vermeulen and four Dresden choirs - the Kruzianer, the Kapellknaben, the children's choir of the Staatsoperette and the musical workshop Oh-Töne - will sing Christmas carols.

Herrnhut stars and fundraising

At the seventh edition, over 200 Herrnhut stars will once again light up the oval and donations will be collected for the foundation for young footballers named after former Dynamo player Hans Jürgen "Dixie" Dörner. In 2015, the Kruzians swapped the altar in their Kreuzkirche domicile for the Stadtion as a stage for the first time.

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