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Dehoga: European Football Championship has revitalized gastronomy in Saxony

Soccer fans watch the European Championship preliminary round match at the Fanfest / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild
Soccer fans watch the European Championship preliminary round match at the Fanfest / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa/Archivbild

Tens of thousands of fans, full stadiums and fan miles. The European Football Championship is also a success for the majority of Saxony's hospitality industry. But according to the restaurant association, something else is even more important.

The European Football Championship has revitalized the gastronomy sector in Saxony. "The fan miles in the cities are packed and many businesses are benefiting from the major event. We are extremely satisfied," said Axel Klein, Managing Director of the Saxony Hotel and Restaurant Association, to the German Press Agency. The fan zone on Leipzig's Augustusplatz alone attracted 175,400 fans at half-time of the European Championships. "We need more events like this," emphasized Klein.

But not all of the companies' expectations were met. "It's not the case that every restaurant in the city has doubled its turnover. Some expected more straight away". Hotel occupancy is also very good, but prices are significantly lower than in other federal states. "The average prices for an overnight stay in a hotel around a top match of the European Championships in establishments of the same chain were up to 120 euros lower than in North Rhine-Westphalia, for example."

And there were not only winners of the European Championships in rural areas either. The price trend for drinks and food and the generally lower income of the residents also played a role there. Money is often a little tighter there, Klein explained. "In that case, people are invited privately and a projector is set up in the garden."

More important than the current success, however, is the sustainability effect of such an event, according to Klein. "We prove that we are good hosts and show that we are open to the world, no matter which nation is playing". This advertising effect is a signal to guests to come back. Then the surrounding area will also benefit even more. It is crucial that the cities market themselves better together with the surrounding area. "There is still a lot of room for improvement in this interaction."

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